Given a mELO_rating model and a vector of agents, this function gives the predicted success probabilities for each combination. This is useful for mELO models as the ratings alone is not useful for predicting outcomes.

model_pred_mat(model, agents, round = 4)



An object of class mELO_rating.


a vector of agents/players/teams you would like to pairwise predictions for.


Round results to how many figures. Default is 4.


Should result be an actual matrix? Default is FALSE and the output is a data.frame.


a data.frame.


# Fit a mELO model that can handle these types of interactions. rps_mELO <- mELO(rps_df, k=1) rps_mELO
#> #> mELO Ratings For 3 Players Playing 120 Games #> #> k = 1. #> #> Player Rating Games Win Draw Loss Lag #> 1 PAPER 2205.8 80 40 0 40 0 #> 2 SCISSORS 2204.7 80 40 0 40 0 #> 3 ROCK 2189.5 80 40 0 40 1 #>
# Get pairwise predictions model_pred_mat( rps_mELO, unique(rps_df[[2]]) )
#> PAPER ROCK SCISSORS #> PAPER 0.5000 0.9986 0.0014 #> ROCK 0.0014 0.5000 0.9987 #> SCISSORS 0.9986 0.0013 0.5000