This function plots the evolution of the elements of the C matrix for a mELO model. The C matrix has a row vector for each player, and k columns. Where k determines the complexity of non-transitive interactions being modelled.




a mELO_rating object with type = mELO. The output of a mELO() function call.


a plot.


#> # A tibble: 6 x 4 #> time_index throw_1 throw_2 outcome #> <int> <chr> <chr> <dbl> #> 1 1 PAPER PAPER 0.5 #> 2 2 SCISSORS ROCK 0 #> 3 3 SCISSORS FIRE 0 #> 4 4 WATER PAPER 0 #> 5 5 ROCK PAPER 0 #> 6 6 WATER PAPER 0
# mELO model with k=1 rpsfw_mELO_1 <- mELO(rpsfw_df, k=1) plot_c_mat(rpsfw_mELO_1)
# not stable, mELO with k=1 can't accurately model the dynamics # mELO model with k=2 rpsfw_mELO_2 <- mELO(rpsfw_df, k=2) plot_c_mat(rpsfw_mELO_2)
# stable, good estimates